background music, if you care...↑↑↑


hello! my name is inroa, but if you feel comfortable enough you can call me sev!


HI!! um. i have no concept of internet safety so i love to make online friends.. you can add me on discord, but im more active on my personal insta account which you can always dm me to find
my main media interests are ZENO remake, pokemon, neon genesis evangelion, amd ranfren .. i have MUCH more but those are the ones ill mostly make content of... im always 100% open to recs and theres a 95% ill watch/read what you tell me to (TRUST)
also love music.. i love radiohead guys


-basic dni criteria (homophobes, racists, transphobes etc..)
-people under 13
-HATERS!!! (mutuals are my only exceptions...)
-AI "art" supporters
-extremists when it comes to exclusively online things (cancel culture, doxxers, etc..
-overall assholes


-im a minor. if youd like to know my specific age, dont be afraid to ask (it changes every year)
-i may joke about heavy topics so please warn me of your triggers if you intend to talk with me-i can suck at communicaion sometimes... please tell me if i ever make you uncomfortable or uncertain-some of the things i create may have sensitive/ triggering topics (they will be tagged appropriately)